2.1 Roadmap Milestones

The Decimus Dynamics Roadmap has gone through several iterations. Due to several setbacks and hitting wall after wall of challenges (including the need to change both our development and art teams) the latest Decimus Roadmap reflects a year of blood, sweat and tears to deliver the meta you see below. Basically to make a long story short, Decimus had a few hurdles to overcome in the early stages of this project’s life before things started to ramp up.

Since November of 2022 it has been all systems go for Decimus! The following roadmap milestones show where Decimus has been since November 2022, reveals where we are now and also gives some not so subtle hints about where we are going next!

November 2022 - Expeditions platform launches for Decimus and Auto Meta-data Updater which updates the metadata on each NFT to reflect its most current XP achieved.

Early December 2022 - Luxurion Casino launches enabling Deci holders to gain on their $DEDs or Solana bags

January 2023 - Levels 4, 5 & 6 Expeditions return LDED Casino Chips To Be Used In a weekly “Wheel Game” for a chance to win Loot Crates!

February 2023 - Rebrand of Decimus Dynamics and Fortress mint keycards are acquired as Mobile Fortress mint is prepared

March 2023 - Mobile Fortress launchpad is released and starts mint of mobile fortresses

April 2023 - One-year anniversary of the mint date of Decimus Dynamics collection. Mobile fortress, slow mint continues and level eight scouting expeditions launch

June 2023 - Decimus Dynamics acquires Secret Alpha labs and DED Turbo Boost Expedition is added to the expedition platform

(Additional stops on our roadmap will be revealed soon. For the time being if you would like to get a bigger picture view of what Decimus has planned for the next year of utility that will be added to this roadmap, check out Section 6 of this whitepaper to get a snapshot at our “Long Game Meta”)

Last updated